Notice of intention to designate - 429 Macdonald Road

Thursday, January 25, 2024

On January 22, 2024, Oakville Town Council resolved to pass a Notice of Intention to Designate the following property under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18, as amended, as a property of cultural heritage value and interest:

429 Macdonald Road
Lots 321 and 322, Plan 113; Part Lots 309, 310 and 311, Plan 113; As In 765792; Town of Oakville

Description of property

The property at 429 Macdonald Road is a large property located on the north side of Macdonald Road between Gloucester and Watson Avenues in the Brantwood neighbourhood. The property contains a two-and-a-half storey brick and stucco clad house that was built in 1931, known as ‘Nansidwell’.

Statement of cultural heritage value or interest

Design and physical value

Nansidwell has design and physical value as a representative example of a Tudor Revival style home. A popular architectural style in the early 20th century, this revival style was part of the Arts and Crafts era of design. The house, which was built in 1931, features many architectural elements typical of the Tudor Revival style including its hip roof; its polychromatic brick and stucco and half-timbered cladding; the front façade’s asymmetrical pattern, including its steeply-pitched gables which enclose the centrally-located formal front entryway. The house also includes flat-roofed shed dormers, multiple polychromatic brick, single stack chimneys, a random fenestration pattern, and brick knee walls. Random patterns and sizes of windows, including casement windows and leaded glass windows, reflect Tudor Revival design ideals. The house maintains most of its original features and is an excellent example of the style.

Historical and associative value

Nansidwell has cultural heritage value for its direct associations with the theme of development of the local residential area known as ‘Brantwood’, an early 20th century subdivision of Oakville. Its presence contributes to the story of Oakville’s early 20th century residential development that was defined by large lots with well-designed Arts and Crafts era homes built by well-to-do families. The property also has cultural heritage value for its associations with several local families who were significant in the community including: Rosalind L. and Charles E. Dowding, who commissioned the construction of the existing building; George Nepean Molesworth, a local resident and architect who designed the existing building, and who obtained more than a dozen commissions in Oakville between 1913 and 1950; and Cameron Coote Hillmer, who came from a well-known and well-established Oakville family.

Contextual value

Nansidwell has contextual value because it defines, supports and maintains the residential character of the Brantwood neighbourhood. It is particularly important on Macdonald Road, as one of the larger properties and homes. It is physically, functionally, visually, and historically linked to the surrounding residential neighbourhood and places the Brantwood area’s origins in a specific timeframe, helping to tell the larger story of Oakville and its development in the 20th century.

Description of heritage attributes

Key attributes of ‘Nansidwell’ that exemplify its value as an excellent representative example of a Tudor Revival style house, include the following attributes as they relate to the two-and-a-half storey building and its one-storey front porch, one-storey southeast sun porch wing, and two-storey garage wing:

  • The form and footprint of the main building and its wings, including the hip, gable, jerkinhead, and shed roofs and the two shed dormers on the front elevation;
  • The configuration and layout of the asymmetrical front façade;
  • Polychromatic brick cladding in a Common Bond pattern with Flemish Bond pattern every third course, including brick headers used on sills, lintels and along the roofline, and brick knee walls on front porch;
  • Stucco and half-timbering cladding throughout;
  • Exposed wood eaves, wood fascia and wood window trim throughout;
  • Fenestration of the windows and doors on the south and east elevations;
  • The chimney on the south elevation and the chimney on the northwest corner of the house, both in polychromatic brick with decorative ‘panel’ detailing and stone caps;
  • The three bay windows with diamond-shaped leaded glass windows on the first storey of the south elevation;
  • The presence of multi-paned windows that are in keeping with the Tudor Revival style on the south and east elevations; and
  • The wood beams and arched wood columns with faux wood pegs on the front porch and on the garage wing.

For the purpose of clarity, the cultural heritage value or interest and heritage attributes do not include:

  • The sun porch on the west elevation.

Any objection to this designation must be filed no later than February 26, 2024. Objections must be directed to the Town Clerk at or 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 0H3. The objection must include the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts.

Further information respecting this proposed designation is available from the Town of Oakville. Any inquiries may be directed to Carolyn Van Sligtenhorst, Supervisor of Heritage Conservation at 905-845-6601, ext.3875 (TTY 905-338-4200), or by email at

Issued at the Town of Oakville on January 25, 2024.