2018 Switching Gears Transportation Master Plan

A master plan that includes transit, walking, cycling and ride-sharing along with strategic roadway improvements.

Oakville's Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Switching Gears, looks at all modes of transportation including public transit, walking, cycling and ride-sharing along with strategic roadway improvements to ensure the safe, convenient and efficient movement of people and goods.

Transportation Master Plan Review - Final

About the plan

Launched in 2013, Switching Gears is the town's guiding document for developing practical, sustainable, long-term plans to guide the town's transportation system to meet the needs of its anticipated growth to 2031. 

The TMP includes transportation, land use planning and financial strategy. These strategies respect the social, environmental and economic goals outlined in the Livable Oakville Plan, the Halton Region Official Plan and other provincial strategies. It also aligns with other key studies including:

Oakville is growing and changing

Over the next few decades, the town expects to see increased traffic due to population and employment growth. 

To address this challenge, staff are looking for responsible and effective ways to handle the growing demand including finding a balance for strategic road improvements, with the need to provide a greater range of transportation choices to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

The 2017 TMP Review assessed the transportation network improvements focusing on future transit targets to accommodate growth to 2031, and provided input into the town's upcoming Development Charge By-Law.


Email the project team at tmp@oakville.ca or call the project lead:

Jill Stephen,
Project Manager
Town of Oakville, 905-845-6601, ext. 3308