Clean Marine Program

The Clean Marine program sets out best practices to reduce and prevent water, air and land pollution from recreational boating activities in Ontario. 

The town's harbours are members of the Ontario Marine Operators Association (OMOA). The OMOA, along with over 20 marine industry professionals and anglers' associations, formed the Clean Marine Partnership to develop an industry leading program of environmental best practices. 

All marina users are asked to sign the Clean Marine Declaration (pdf) and adhere to it's environmentally sound practices.

In the most recent audit, Oakville Harbours has upgraded to a Diamond rating thanks to some improvements.

Key initiatives include:

  • Promoting good environmental practices
  • Implementing the town's Towards Zero Waste and Sustainable Purchasing Policies
  • Eliminating the release of contaminants to the water, both directly and indirectly
  • Minimizing the release of pollutants to the atmosphere
  • Avoiding contamination of the ground
  • Implementing an extensive recycling program for Harbour-related materials
  • Optimizing energy and water conservation
  • Conforming to the requirements of all relevant legislation

Our interactive map provides more detail on the implemented Clean Marine initiatives and their positive impact on Oakville's natural environment.

Oakville and Bronte Clean Marine Initiatives Map

Best practices

We make sure that our Harbours' management introduces sound environmental practices into every aspect of our operations. Staff are trained to understand and implement these practices and provide the resources, within the discretion of Council, that are needed to allow these objectives to be fulfilled.

The philosophy of this Clean Marine Declaration are integrated into contracts entered between the Town of Oakville and our clients in the Harbours.

All suppliers and contractors will be made aware of the intent of this declaration and will be required to adopt these same practices when providing materials or services in any Oakville harbour.