Election And Voting Leave Procedure

Purpose statement

This procedure outlines the conditions for employees who wish to run for a public office and the process for obtaining time off from work for election voting purposes.


This procedure applies to all Corporation of the Town of Oakville (town) employees, and covers Federal, Provincial and Municipal Elections. Employees governed by a collective agreement are subject to the terms and conditions in the respective collective agreements if any.


Leave to run for public office    

  1. When an employee wishes to run for the office of Oakville Town Council or a Local Board or a Federal or Provincial office, he or she must first seek an unpaid leave of absence for the period between nomination day and the voting day, in accordance with provisions of the relevant legislation.
  2. Pursuant to Section 30 (4) of the Municipal Elections Act, if an employee is elected he or she shall be deemed to have resigned from his or her position with the town, immediately before making the declaration of office.

Time off for voting purposes

  1. If an employee’s work schedule does not permit an employee three (3) free hours during the time the polls are open to vote during an election, the town will permit the employee to take a reasonable time up to three (3) consecutive hours from the employee’s work schedule for voting purposes.
  2. The department head in consultation with the employee will determine the specific hours for which paid time off to vote will be approved.
  3. Time off to vote to a maximum of three (3) hours when authorized by the department head will not be deducted from employee’s pay.


Election: an election or by-election of persons to serve a Municipal Council, Local Board the Provincial House of Assembly or the Federal Parliament of Canada.


The Human Resources department shall be responsible for the administration of this procedure.


Time At and Away from Work Policy
Municipal Elections Act