Fall Loose Leaf Collection: October 26 to December 4, 2020

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Loose leaves will be collected from designated areas in Oakville as follows:

Collection may occur any time during a scheduled week. To ensure your leaves are collected, put them out by 7 a.m. on the first day of collection in your zone.

Contaminated piles of leaves or leaves put out after the pickup dates will not be collected. Homeowners are responsible for removing uncollected leaves.

Halton Region collects bagged leaves and yard waste on the same day as regular garbage pickup. This is a separate program from the Town of Oakville’s loose leaf collection. Visit halton.ca for more information on your waste collection schedule.

For more information on Oakville’s fall loose leaf collection, contact ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 (TTY 905-338-4200) or visit our Loose Leaf Collection page.

Please note that the loose leaf program is being implemented in accordance with provincial guidelines and should guidelines change, this program may be affected. Residents are encouraged to take full advantage of earlier program collection times as well as Halton’s bagged yard waste collection service.