Purpose statement

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the process for identifying situations where part time work (less than 24 hours per week) is deemed identical to work performed in CUPE 1329 and non-union full time positions and; to describe the process and eligibility requirements for part-time non-union staff when performing or assigned to perform work identical to full time CUPE 1329 or non-union positions to receive compensation adjustments.


This procedure applies only to part time positions and to part time non-union employees who perform work that is deemed to be identical to work performed by full time CUPE 1329 and non-union staff.

Employees in any other non-union part time position may receive adjustments in accordance with annual corporate compensation review processes and subject to financial affordability.


1. Departments identify work that is identical to existing CUPE 1329 or non-union positions that will be performed on a less than full time basis – to a maximum of 24 hours per week;
2. Departments will forward the job description to Human Resources along with supporting rationale;

3. Departments forward part time job descriptions to Human Resources for job evaluation;
4. Human Resources will review the submissions in both situations and, in consultation with the department, validate where appropriate;

5. The department submits the number of hours a part time employee has performed full time work on a stand-in basis in a different classification;
6. Initial placement in the corresponding full time salary range will be in accordance with the employee’s skill, knowledge and experience compared to the level required for competent performance of the job;
7. Employees will be paid the full time rate for the hours worked in the full time role;
8. Where the part time job has been assigned to a CUPE 1329 four step salary range,
compensation adjustments will be dependent on satisfactory performance reviews;
8. Progression in the CUPE 1329 range will be dependent on the actual hours worked that equate to full time step movement requirements; i.e., progression from Step 1 to Step 2 (6 months) equates to 910 hours, Step 2 to Step 3 (9 months) equates to 1,365 hours;
9. Human Resources will produce quarterly reports to determine if sufficient hours have been worked to enable the incumbent to move to the next step;
10. Human Resources will notify the department and prepare the appropriate paperwork;
11. Where the part time job has been assigned to a full time non-union salary range progression through the range will be in accordance with the full time non-union compensation program.


Supervisors and Managers:

1. Review new part time work proposed in the context of existing full time positions;
2. Ensure that new job descriptions for part time employees are current and submitted on a timely basis to Human Resources for job evaluation;
3. Prepare appropriate supporting documentation;
4. Consult with Human Resources.

Human Resources:

1. Assess whether the work performed by part time hours is identical to work performed by full time non-union or CUPE 1329 permanent positions;
2. Consult with the department to make final determination of job comparability;
3. Track submissions and eligibility for step progression;
4. Administer the appropriate compensation adjustments upon submission of TOPS documentation from the director.