Parks, Recreation and Library Master Plan

The master plan ensures that community parks, recreation, culture and library facilities continue to meet the needs of Oakville residents.

New plan underway

The Town of Oakville is looking to better understand how the community uses parks, recreation and culture facilities and libraries and is developing a Parks, Recreation and Library Facilities Master Plan that will guide the current and future direction of these spaces.

We are engaging the community and gathering:

  • Demographic data and growth forecasts
  • Participation and usage levels and trends
  • Best practices to help shape the master plan

We recognize these community parks, recreation and culture facilities and libraries will need to continuously evolve over the next 30 years so they can continue to provide quality services that Oakville residents value.

The town has hired Monteith Brown Planning Consultants, MJMA Architecture & Design, Tucker-Reid & Associates, Ron Koudys Landscape Architects, Rose Vespa Consulting and Largo Facility Management Consultants to prepare the plan. Monteith Brown will be working closely with the town to coordinate a variety of community outreach activities.

What's next?

In June, we surveyed Oakville residents for their feedback on our proposed actions that will guide parks, recreation, and library spaces now and into the future. Thank you to the more than 1,500 residents who provided input.

We will review all feedback received as we finalize the Master Plan. The final report with recommendations will be presented to Council this fall.

This spring, Council participated in a workshop and reviewed the following materials:

It is important to note the proposed plans will help guide staff in their decision making, particularly during the annual budget process, and takes into consideration major capital needs until 2051 to align with the latest provincial growth policies.

Additional work, such as detailed capital, service, and site-specific planning, will still be required beyond approval of this plan to action the plan’s recommendations.

Key dates

  • More than 2,000 online surveys completed between April and May 2023
  • Open Houses held in May 2023
  • Community groups and Council feedback in April and May 2024
  • Public feedback period from May to June 2024
  • Final plan to be presented to Council in fall 2024


Darryl McWilliam
Manager Support Services, Recreation and Culture
905-845-6601, ext. 3503


Darryl McWilliam
Manager Support Services, Recreation and Culture
905-845-6601, ext. 3503