Residents asked to provide input into how election signs are regulated in Oakville

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Town of Oakville is reviewing election sign regulations and is asking residents to provide their input. The short online survey is open until July 12, 2021 and will help town staff develop recommendations to the town’s Sign By-law. Revisions will be presented for Council’s approval later this year.

“I encourage residents to take five minutes out of their day to complete the online survey,” said Mayor Rob Burton. “With an upcoming election in 2022, your feedback is vital in shaping election sign regulations in Oakville.”

The current Sign By-law 2018-153 includes some of the following regulations:

The questionnaire will take less than five minutes to complete and will be anonymous. Residents will have the option to provide an email address if they would like to receive updates on the review, including a public information meeting planned for September.

Staff will be presenting recommendations to Council this fall.

To learn more about regulations for election signs, read Sign By-law 2018-153