Provide feedback on special events in Oakville

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Participate in online survey engagement opportunities

The Town of Oakville is developing a Special Events Plan to guide future planning for events in the community. Events help bring people closer together, encouraging community connection and belonging while also supporting the local economy and contributing to the town’s vibrancy and livability.  

The town is undertaking an in-depth review of community and town led special events to inform the future.  We want to hear from you!  Tell us what you like about existing events and what types of events you would like to see in Oakville in the future.  

Online survey open until July 8, 2024

The community is invited to take an online survey until July 8, 2024. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. 

Residents are also invited to share their feedback by participating in any of the following online community workshops:

Feedback from event organizers and vendors

The town will be hosting engagement opportunities and connecting with event organizers and vendors directly to receive input on special events. If you are an event planner or vendor and haven’t received an email from the town, please email for opportunities to participate and share feedback.  

To learn more about the development of a special events plan, visit the Oakville Special Events Plan page.


“Special events bring significant benefits to our community. They not only provide entertainment for residents, but they also encourage community engagement, enhance community pride, support the local economy and contribute to the vibrancy and livability of Oakville. Council and I are looking forward to hearing from the community to help shape how special events are delivered in the town.”

- Mayor Rob Burton


  • The Town of Oakville hosts a number of special events each year, including Family Day, Movies in the Park, Canada Day and the Oakville Santa Claus Parade.
  • The final plan is anticipated to be presented to Council in late fall 2024.