Urban Design Direction

A set of design principles applicable to development and redevelopment south of Dundas Street.

Livable by Design Manual - Part A

The Livable by Design Manual (Part A) – Urban Design Direction for Oakville presents a comprehensive set of guiding design principles and urban design directives applicable town-wide (south of Dundas Street and north of Highway 407) for all forms of development, redevelopment and capital projects.

The Livable by Design Manual implements the policies in Section 6 of the Plan. The manual applies to all development proposals that are subject to review and planning approval by the town. Planning processes include official plan amendments, zoning amendments, plans of subdivision, site plan control, sign variances and Committee of Adjustment applications, as permitted under the Planning Act.

The Livable by Design Manual - Part A was last updated in December 2019.

On May 12, 2014, Council endorsed the design document and passed By-law 2014-033 to adopt Official Plan Amendment 8 to the Livable Oakville Plan. OPA 8 was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board and a settlement was reached and approved by the Board in December 2014. Both the design manual and OPA are in full force and effect.