Corporate Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management

Taking a leadership role in tackling energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Our energy management commitment

We aim to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050, with the following interim goals:

  • Goal 1: 20 per cent reduction in overall energy consumption by 2024, based on a 2015 baseline
  • Goal 2: 30 per cent reduction in GHG emissions by 2024 based on a 2015 baseline

The town's Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan (pdf) provides the framework for energy and GHG management within town operations and is aligned with the Community Energy Strategy for Oakville.

If you are interested in learning more about the town's energy consumption and GHG emissions data, you can request a copy of our most recent report in-person at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road.

Actions the town is taking

The town has integrated sustainable building design characteristics into several of our facilities, achieving LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification in seven of them, including:

  • North Operations Depot (LEED® Silver)
  • Oakville Fire Station 3 (LEED® Silver)
  • Oakville Fire Station 8 (LEED® Silver)
  • Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre (awaiting certification)
  • Oakville Transit (LEED® Silver)
  • Queen Elizabeth Cultural and Community Centre (LEED® Silver)
  • Sixteen Mile Sports Complex (LEED® Gold)
  • Trafalgar Park Community Centre (LEED® Silver)

LEED design helps create high-performing, resilient buildings that reduce carbon emissions, save water, conserve energy and reduce waste.

The Partners for Climate Change Protection (PCP) program supports municipal government commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) at the corporate and community level. Over 500 municipalities across Canada have committed to achieving the five milestones of the PCP.

  1. Complete a baseline emissions inventory and forecast
  2. Set emissions reductions targets (see above for corporate emissions targets)
  3. Develop a local climate action plan 
  4. Implement the local climate action plan
    • The CDM and Community Energy Plan are being implemented at both corporate and community levels
  5. Measure progress, monitor and report results

Renewable energy, also referred to as clean or alternative energy, is electricity produced from renewable energy sources including the sun, wind and ground temperatures, all of which have a lower impact on the environment and our health. Renewable energy is used at corporate facilities to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and grid-derived electricity, while helping us manage energy costs at our facilities.

To date, the town has installed the following renewable energy technologies:

Solar photovoltaic (PV)

The town has installed solar PV systems on rooftops at five of our facilities: Glen Abbey Community Centre, River Oaks Community Centre, Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, Town Hall and Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre. Together, these systems have a total generating capacity of 1.5 MWh.

Geothermal heat pump systems

Using vertical borefield systems – a network of pipes and pumps – the town is taking advantage of stable below ground temperatures to inject heating and cooling into our facilities without the use of natural gas. We currently have two major systems, a smaller one at the Transit Facility, and a large-scale system at Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre. A third system is planned for the Sixteen Mile Sports Complex area.