Help shape Kerr and Bronte area streetscape plans

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Town of Oakville is planning to make the commercial areas of Kerr Village and Bronte Village areas more vibrant for residents, visitors and businesses. This starts with the creation of a public realm study (outdoor spaces including streets, parks, plazas and spaces between buildings) and culminates in developing a streetscape plan for each district for physical improvements (trees, landscape, unique paving, lighting, street furniture and wayfinding).  

The town can’t do it without you! Public engagement opportunities have been built into every stage of the project. At this early step in the process, the project consultant, The Planning Partnership, is inviting the community to register for a 15-minute, one-on-one telephone conversation with the project manager on Monday, June 3 between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. To register, email by May 31 with your preferred time and indicate whether you will be speaking about Bronte Village or Kerr Village. 

During the call, stakeholders and members of the public can identify and describe  improvements they would like to see, highlight issues to address, and share examples of successful streetscapes  For accessibility supports or to provide input in another format, email  

Multi-phase public engagement

Following the initial one-on-one phone calls in early June, in-person public workshops will be held at the end of June, and an online survey this summer to help shape streetscape design concepts. 

In early fall, staff will bring forward several streetscape design concepts to in-person public workshops to present the direction and to collect feedback. In early 2025, a consolidated streetscape design and implementation plan for each district will be presented for final input before providing Council with recommendations for approval. 

For more details about this project, visit the Bronte Village Streetscape Study page and the Kerr Village Streetscape Study page.


“Creating vibrant shopping and dining districts is one of the goals in the town’s Economic Development Plan 2019-2024. The upcoming enhancements at the Kerr and Bronte Village areas will help create more lively, user-friendly and accessible spaces and enhance the visual appeal, supporting businesses and offering visitors more reasons to visit and explore these areas. I encourage community members to take advantage of the public engagement opportunities.”  

- Mayor Rob Burton