Bronte Village Streetscape Study

Planning is underway to enhance the streetscape in the main shopping area of Bronte Village.

Project overview

We’re making Bronte Village a more vibrant place for residents, visitors and businesses. Planning is underway to enhance the streetscape in the main shopping area of Bronte Village. The town has hired a consultant to conduct a public realm study and develop a streetscape plan which will include recommendations for improvements and implementation.

We can’t do it without you! Public engagement opportunities are built into every step of the process. Proposed improvements will be shaped by input from residents, community groups, business owners, developers, Council, town staff and the consulting team.

Public engagement opportunities

There will be many opportunities to share your input on the public realm framework and streetscape concepts. 

Four rounds of engagement are planned. Each round will offer different ways to participate, share feedback and raise community awareness.

Project details

Public realm refers to publicly accessible and highly visible spaces located along our streets, boulevards, pedestrian ways, parks, plazas and the interface with buildings.

The public realm study will identify existing amenities and opportunities for physical improvements to enhance the spaces and connections between the traditional commercial main street and surrounding community.

Streetscape refers to the physical environment of a street. This includes its visual character and how the space is used by pedestrians, patrons, cyclists and motorists. 

The streetscape concept plans (design and layout) will include street trees and other landscape materials, special paving, lighting, street furniture, public art and wayfinding. 

Project timeline overview


  • Project launch: April 2024
  • Public realm inventory and analysis: May 2024
  • Present public realm findings and obtain feedback: late June 2024

In progress

  • Develop public realm framework and streetscape concepts: July to September 2024

Not started

  • Present streetscape concept plans and obtain feedback: mid-to-late September 2024
  • Refine streetscape concept based on feedback: October 2024
  • Present final draft streetscape plan and obtain feedback: late November 2024
  • Finalize streetscape plan and create the implementation plan: February 2025

Project status - July to September 2024

We are developing several streetscape concept plans based on the public realm inventory completed in May 2024 and the feedback and ideas received at the public information centres in June 2024. 

We will share the plans with the community in early fall 2024 to identify preferences, gather additional feedback and further refine the design. 


If you have questions or comments about the Streetscape Study, contact the staff project team:

Christina Tizzard
Manager, Urban Design