Coronation Park Drainage Environmental Assessment

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study on drainage improvements for the Coronation Park area.

We have completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to investigate possible drainage improvements within the Coronation Park area. The Coronation Park community is generally located south of Rebecca Street and from the west side of Third Line to Fourteen Mile Creek in the east.

The study:

  • identified drainage issues (i.e. standing water within ditches, deteriorating driveway culverts, minor ditch erosion and inadequate flow capacity)
  • developed preferred solutions to address these issues (such as storm sewer capital projects)


High priority drainage improvements identified include:

  • New storm sewers and ditch improvements on Westminster Drive and outlet improvements
  • New storm sewers and ditch improvements on Woodhaven Park Drive and outlet improvements
  • Channel improvement within Coronation Park to receive flows from proposed storm sewers
  • New trunk storm sewer along Lakeshore Road West from Third Line to Coronation Park

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