Noise Reduction Walls and Fences

Request a noise reduction wall or fence for your property.

The town has developed a Road Corridor Noise Abatement Procedure for Town Roads to address traffic noise levels from arterial and collector roads. An engineering consulting firm was retained by the town to undertake a Noise Barrier Retrofit Needs and Cost Assessment Study for residential dwellings adjacent to the town's arterial and collector road network.

Who qualifies?

The Noise Barrier Retrofit Needs and Cost Assessment Study has recommended a candidate priority list for noise wall construction. Open the summary of study recommendations (pdf) to review the list.

Start the process

Homeowners whose properties are identified in the study can initiate a request for a noise wall by submitting a petition as outlined within the procedure. 

Homeowners whose properties are not identified in the study but believe they meet the procedure criteria can also request that the town consider their property for inclusion in the retrofit program. A petition as noted above would be required to start the process.

Cost sharing

The town and homeowner split the funding requirements for the design and construction of the noise wall with 75 per cent of costs covered by the town and 25 per cent covered by the homeowner. The town would be responsible for future noise wall maintenance. 

Homeowners will benefit through the value added to the property by the noise barrier, without having the responsibility for future maintenance.

