How should the town accommodate growth?
Instead of developing outward, we need to determine the best approach for managing development within the towns existing boundaries.
The Urban Structure Review is looking at the town’s urban structure – including natural heritage and open space, as well as residential, commercial, employment and mixed-use areas – to see if changes are necessary to accommodate required growth.
A complete urban structure will ensure that community infrastructure and public services are available for the long term while addressing environmental concerns and cost effectiveness.
Urban Structure Review considerations
- Population projections and accommodating required growth to 2041;
- The potential for development of existing and emerging areas such as Midtown Oakville, the Trafalgar Road Corridor and the area surrounding the Bronte GO Station;
- The preservation of stable residential areas and the protection of natural heritage;
- The relationship between growth areas and the delivery of municipal infrastructure; and
- Criteria for evaluation of new growth areas.
Town-wide urban structure in full force and effect
The town-wide urban structure was approved by the Region of Halton on April 26, 2018. At that time, the urban structure was deemed to be consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, to conform to the 2009 Regional Official Plan and the 2017 Growth Plan.
Subsequent to the Region’s approval, several appeals were received and that have since been resolved. As of July 29, 2021, the town-wide urban structure is in full force and effect.
September 26, 2017 - Public Meeting and Recommendation Report Special Planning and Development Agenda
June 12, 2017 - Statutory Public Meeting Staff Report
May 30, 2017 - Public Information Meeting
Two public information meetings were held and feedback was provided on the draft Official Plan Amendments.
Open house meetings
- A series of drop in open houses were held in November 2016.
- The Livable Oakville Council Subcommittee received a staff report and presentation on the Discussion Paper on November 1, 2016.
- The Livable Oakville Council Subcommittee received a staff report and presentation on the Work Program on May 16, 2016.
- The Urban Structure Review (pdf) was initiated in February 2016.
Phase 1 Study Initiation - February 2016, complete
Phase 2 Background Review – complete
Phase 3 Option Development and Review – complete
Phase 4 Urban Structure Framework and Directions – nearing completion
Geoff Abma
Senior Planner
905-845-6601, ext. 3034