Temporary Tents and Garden Centres

A guide to preparing your temporary tent or garden centre building permit application.

A building permit is required for a temporary structure (tents and garden centres) if it is greater than 60 metres square. Regardless of the size of the temporary structure, if it is located within three metres of another structure or attached to a structure you will require a building permit.

If locating the temporary structure in a public park, a special events permit is required.

Project preparation

Verify that your plans, proposed dimensions and location are permitted under the Town of Oakville's zoning by-laws which regulate the use, shape and location of structures on properties.

Development charges may apply to some tents, such as a garden centre ancillary to a retail use, or an industrial tent. A non-residential development charge form may need to be submitted so the town, region and school boards can review the scope of work and determine if charges apply.

Development charges must be paid prior to building permit issuance. Learn more about development charges, including current rates.