Speers Road Corridor Study

A study to create new policies to guide future land uses and development along Speers Road.

As part of the town’s Official Plan Review, the lands along Speers Road, from Bronte Road to Kerr Street, were studied to create new policies to guide future land uses and development along Speers Road. The study resulted in Official Plan Amendment 27.

The policies and mapping for the Speers Road Corridor have been consolidated into the Official Plan, and are in force and effect. Policies specific to the Speers Road Corridor can be found in Part E, Special Policy Areas, of the Livable Oakville Plan. 

The policies for the Speers Road Corridor are intended to harmonize land use and transportation planning objectives, and consider land use, intensification, compatibility with adjacent areas, active transportation, transit and urban design.


Brad Sunderland
Senior Planner
905-845-6601, ext. 3043


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