Stormwater Fee Feasibility Study

A study to explore funding options for replacing and repairing aging stormwater infrastructure and making improvements to help adapt to the impacts of climate change.

About the study

The Town of Oakville is completing a Stormwater Fee Feasibility Study to explore options for a fairer, and more equitable way to pay for our stormwater management system and services. This would ensure we have a sustainable funding source to support our infrastructure needs into the future. 

Watch the video below to learn more about stormwater and the Stormwater Fee Feasibility Study.

We face some challenges

Stormwater management challenges the town is facing include:

  • Aging infrastructure that is nearing its end of life and is in need of replacement.
  • Pipes, shoreline, harbour walls, ponds, and other infrastructure requiring renewal. 
  • Impacts of climate change, including more extreme rainstorms and temperature changes. Extreme weather events will put a strain on the town’s stormwater system and increase the risk for flooding and property damage.  

Recent updates to the town’s Rainwater Management Plan estimate it will cost upwards of $732 million to care for and improve the town’s stormwater system over the next 30 years – averaging $24 million per year. The town currently collects an average of $12.6 million each year for stormwater management from property taxes. We need to plan now to ensure sufficient funds are in place to continue to invest in our stormwater infrastructure.

Exploring better funding options

Currently, property owners pay for the town’s stormwater management system and services through property taxes. The amount of money a property owner pays is based on the value of their property, not on how much stormwater their property creates and sends to the town’s stormwater system. This leaves some residents paying more than their fair share and some large property owners paying less than they should.

  • The town needs additional funding to support our stormwater management system and services into the future, and we need a fair and equitable way pay for it. 
  • We should reward property owners who take action to manage stormwater quantity and quality on-site.
  • Many municipalities across Canada are moving towards more equitable and sustainable funding models. 
  • A new funding method will ensure we adhere to Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure

The study is reviewing the current tax system and different options for a separate, dedicated stormwater fee. A stormwater fee would charge property owners based on how much stormwater runoff their property creates. Properties that create more runoff and have a bigger impact on the stormwater system, are charged more. A stormwater fee can take different forms and several stormwater fee methods are under consideration. Our options:

Keeping the current tax system

  • All fees related to stormwater management will be included in property taxes with no consideration for a property’s impact on the town’s stormwater system. 

A tiered flat stormwater fee

  • Property types would be divided into three tiers, and all properties in the same tier would pay the same fee. With this method, all low-density residential properties (like single family homes) pay one fee, high-density residential properties (like multiplexes, townhouses and condos) pay another, and non-residential properties pay another.

A variable stormwater fee

  • Fees are calculated for each property based on property size and estimated stormwater runoff. To estimate stormwater runoff, every property type is assigned a “runoff coefficient” using the town’s engineering guidelines. Property types with more hard surfaces that cannot effectively absorb stormwater (like non-residential buildings with large parking lots) have higher runoff coefficients. Property types with more green space and fewer hard surfaces (like single-family homes) have lower runoff coefficients.

Stormwater fees can also be designed so that different calculation methods are used for residential and non-residential properties.

Funding options will be evaluated according to the study’s guiding principles, prioritizing fairness, climate resiliency, and financial sustainability. The guiding principles also emphasize that the method should be easily justifiable and simple to understand and administer. 

Public feedback will help the town weigh the various factors and select the recommended funding option.

Like other municipalities that have implemented stormwater fees, an incentive program will be considered. A stormwater incentive program could include credits to help lower a stormwater fee for property owners who implement on-site measures. Stormwater management measures, such as rain gardens or cisterns, reduce the amount and/or improve the quality of stormwater runoff from their property. 

An incentive program would help property owners reduce stormwater fees. It would also encourage on-site stormwater management that better supports the natural water balance and protects the natural environment.

Public engagement opportunities

We value your input! Participate in the public engagement opportunities and have your voice heard throughout the study.

Another round of engagement is planned for March 2025, with final recommendations expected to go to Council in the spring of 2025.


Establishing the need for the study
  • Council workshop was held on June 11, 2024.
  • The education campaign to share the rationale for the Stormwater Fee Feasibility Study began in summer 2024.
Funding options and analysis
  • Council workshop to discuss funding options was held on September 10, 2024.
  • Town-wide public engagement, including a public meeting, stakeholder meetings and online survey to gather input and feedback on the different funding options and impacts, and incentive program options. 
Preferred funding option and implementation plan
  • Council meeting in December to present the preferred funding option based on the analysis and public feedback. 
  • Public engagement opportunity to present the preferred funding option and gather input and feedback on the draft implementation plan. 
Final recommendations
  • Council meeting to present and seek approval on the final recommendations including the funding method and implementation plan.