Annual Reports

Reporting on our main areas of focus and looking ahead to key initiatives.

The town’s annual reports include:

  • A complete overview of the town’s audited financial statements.
  • The town’s financial position; cash flows, assets and five-year review.
  • The combined operations of the town, Oakville Public Library and the town’s three Business Improvement Areas. Also included is the town’s investment in Oakville Hydro and all non-financial assets.
  • They are prepared based on the Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAB) and policies issued by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
  • A highlight of the accomplishments achieved by the town in meeting the needs of the community.

Financial reports

Financial statements

The town’s consolidated financial statements that have been approved by Council.  

Trust Fund statements

The town’s financial statements for all funds held in trust by the town and have been approved by Council.

Alternative formats

Anyone requiring a plain text version of the annual report can request one by emailing